This article describes how to restore a full cPanel account backup with WHC’s JetBackup restore tool.
Please take note of possible side effects when restoring Full Account Backups:
- Service downtime: Your cPanel account will be destroyed and re-created during this restoration process. Depending on the total size of your account, expect interruptions anywhere from a few minutes up to one hour.
- Possible data loss: all websites, primary domain, addon domains, aliases, and associated databases will be restored to the selected date and time. Any changes made after that time will be lost.
- Possible email loss: All email accounts will be restored to the selected date and time. Any emails received after that time will be lost.
Log in to your cPanel
Scroll down to the Files section and click on JetBackup5
Under the Restore & Download section, click Full Backups
Select the backup you would like to restore (sorted by date), then click the Restore button
From the Restore Summary screen, you’ll see the selected backups to restore under Items To Restore, then click Restore Selected Items
Wait for the Queue to finish the restoration job, the ‘Completed’ status will display when the restore is complete
At the end of the “Processing…” state, the backup will be downloaded from the backup server, and your account will be destroyed and re-created, rendering your account inoperable for some time. Please be patient!